Soft goods design/engineering is a blanket (ha, ha) term for lots of overlapping areas of expertise. Get a feel for what this could mean for you below.
Working closely with your industrial design partner (or helping connect you to one) to define product form factor and mechanical architecture(s) that fit within the design intent.
Note: Industrial designers are unparalleled experts at creating geometry out of thin air… they are magicians at this! We don’t pretend to compete with them, and instead love to work together in lockstep, but if you feel you don’t need ID services and still would like to define and create a product from scratch, don’t hesitate to reach out. We do have lots of experience in ideation and concept creation.
Creating tech packs to enable project handoff to manufacturing partners.
Textile material sourcing and selection (i.e., choosing colors and finishes; selecting materials to be wipeable/washable/biocompatible/abrasion resistant/etc.)
Creating low to high fidelity soft goods models in-house. This includes:
Tooled soft goods
Material stackup explorations (e.g., to help define stackup mechanical characteristics, desired material handfeel, and color or finish combinations)
3D-printed form and assembly explorations
Leveraging partner capabilities to produce high fidelity cut-and-sewn models, hard goods models, or functional production-intent electronic prototypes.
Defining and analyzing product mechanical architecture.
Development of woven, non-woven, and knit textiles; animal and natural leathers; elastomers and foams; and other soft goods materials.
Defining and running reliability test protocols to empirically validate product concepts, architecture, and assembly methods.
Drafting engineering drawings to define specifications and quality standards for vendors and manufacturing partners.
Overseeing prototype and engineering validation builds (e.g., EVT, DVT, PVT) with manufacturing partners.
Developing assembly methods and manufacturing SOPs to enable high quality integration of textiles and hardware.